PT. Gratia Jaya Mulya offers comprehensive ICT Solutions tailored for healthcare providers. Our solutions integrate advanced technology to streamline operations, enhance patient care, and improve data management. From secure network infrastructure to innovative software applications, we ensure your facility is equipped with the latest tools to meet modern healthcare demands. Trust us to deliver reliable, efficient, and scalable ICT solutions that support your mission to provide top-quality medical services.

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Asset Management System by SYAS TECHNOLOGY Aset dan fasilitas rumah sakit yang beragam jenisnya dapat menjadi sumber pendapatan. Karena itu, diperlukan satu sistem manajemen aset untuk mengelola aset rumah sakit agar terintegrasi dengan baik. Asset Management System ini bisa membantu rumah sakit untuk lebih tertata dalam hal pengaturan aset dan fasilitas-fasilitas penting yang ada di rumah sakit.